The Professional Gamer - February 7, 2020

Hi folks! I hope everyone had a good week. Here in Colorado we had a bunch of snow this week. Which is somewhat typical for February. But, that came on the heels of a 70 degree high last Sunday. And the overnight low on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning was -1. That temperature swing really hurt, and I’ve spent as little time as possible outside for the last few days. And, instead of doing the geeky things that I think most of you would be interested in, I’ve been reading some books for work. Like, leadership stuff. But, I did start watching a new anime series this week as well, and I think you all will enjoy hearing about that.

I’m going to bore you all a bit with discussion about the book I’m reading. And, I’m only saying that I’m going to bore you because I’m a fairly shy person and don’t always have a lot of confidence in anything that I have to say. Now, let’s talk about the book: Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking. Which is way to long of a title, but the book is actually quite good. It has a lot of discussion of the underlying physiology and psychology that causes people to be introverted or extroverted. So far the book has made some passing mentions of the strengths that introverts can bring to teams and projects, but without going into detail. I’m hoping that there will be more about these topics in the upcoming sections. But, I’m having a lot better time trying to get through it this time. And part of that may just be that I have been on the bus more frequently lately and therefore had more dedicated time to read on my own.

Let’s move on to anime. Keep Your Hands of Eizouken! is a great series that you should be watching. Spending time around artists, including some who have either worked as animators or simply have a trained appreciation of animation, has really opened me to a new world of thinking about the work that goes into create anime. And Eisouken is a love letter not just to anime but to animation in general. And I love all of these girls. And not in that weird creepy waifu way, but in a “these are wonderful children and I want them to have a good future and succeed in their goals” way. And I identify in some strong ways with Asakusa. I was a kid who was often stuck in his own imagination, too. It looks like this is going to be a really good series though. I’m going to have to see if I can pick up the manga too.

I’ve played only about two hours of Warcraft this week, so I don’t have anything interesting that’s happened in that respect.

And that’s it for this week. I’m looking forward to playing some Big Eyes Small Mouth with my friends this weekend. It promises to be very silly. I hope you all have a great week, and game on!