The Professional Gamer - March 13, 2020

Well, we’ve found our way to another Friday the 13th. I don’t put stock in those things, but it feels like a really weird coincidence this time around. Colorado has declared a state of emergency and banned all large meetings. And we’ve also seen our first death related to COVID-19. I’m looking at potentially going to remote work for the foreseeable future. And everyone is being encouraged to stay home as much as possible. To some degree, my tendency towards staying at home has given me the training that I need to get through this. But, I’ve never been a complete shut-in, even when I’ve had hobbies that keep me indoors more often. I regularly go running or biking. Also, I’m just so tired of washing my hands.

I want to talk about more fun things a bit, but truth is that I spent most of my evenings this week on things that you probably won’t be very interested in. Tuesday night was a political meeting, Wednesday was a run, and Thursday was social hour with my co-workers. Then, I spent the time that I was home catching up on a few YouTube channels. Tomorrow is likely a day of getting my garden cleaned up and ready for the spring planting. Just, not a lot of things for me to talk about in this sort of a post.

Just to make sure that word is spreading around to all: Colorado Anime Fest will not take place as scheduled. I hope that the staff are able to find another time to hold the convention once this concern is past. All of you take good care of yourself. Practice social distancing, wash your hands regularly and spend at least 20 seconds scrubbing, and if you feel sick, stay away from everyone and let them know that you have been ill.

Have a great week (as best you can in the circumstances) and game on!