Denver Comic Con Wrap Up

Hi readers! In place of my typical Professional Gamer column this week, I'm going to post a wrap up discussion of my time at Denver Comic Con this year. I had a lot of fun and bought a lot of comics and other art. I also had the opportunity (with Chris) to play some video games that are being developed or published by smaller, independent companies. Click through to read more.

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The Professional Gamer - June 26, 2017

Hi readers! In spite of getting drenched during my commute this morning, I'm feeling good about the weekend. I've got a giant pork roast in the smoker for my (belated) birthday party, and lots of friends over tonight to work on artwork and other projects. Life is pretty good!

The highlight of my geekiness this week was showing Kiki's Delivery Service to my brother's girlfriend. I think I have talked about this movie previously, but I'm always so delighted to show it to someone new. The themes of finding your passion and inner strength, moving to a new city, and establishing oneself as a person in a career. In addition, the new blu-ray version is great, with crisp, vivid colors. I'm regretting that I don't have some better to speakers to enjoy the remastered audio as well.

I'm looking forward to Denver Comic Con next weekend, but it will likely prevent me from getting my regular article together. I'm planning to write a bit on my experiences and the comics that I end up buying. Have a great week and game on!

Denver Comic Con Guests! Oh the Guests!

Greetings geeks and nerds! Over the past few weeks there have been two big announcements as guests go for Denver Comic Con. And I was too busy playing WoW: Legion and Zelda to pay enough notice to my inbox to notice the announcements. Shame on me. But now that I am taking a break (as in I stepped away long enough to actually ready my email) I wanted to do my own announcement for both of the most recent guests. Why? Why not?

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