The Professional Gamer - March 21, 2016

This has been a week full of emotions.  As you may have noted in my article last week, I started watching Your Lie in April last week.  I finished up the series on Thursday of this week, and was pretty much left an emotional wreck at the end of it.  Although emotional draining, the series was really great.  It has a really uplifting message about artistic endeavor and recovery after trauma.  There were a few cases where I felt that the series pushed a little too hard to produce an emotional response.  For the majority of the series, however, the pathos generated was genuine.  The animation was of very good quality through the entire series, with some great use of computer animation to produce the instruments, especially the piano.  There are some great sweeping shots going the from the stage area with Arima at the piano, to inside the piano showing the action of the hammers and dampers.  And they blend the CG well with the traditional animation.

Overall, I recommend the series.  But keep in mind that it could leave you emotionally drained.  Personally, I recommend following up Your Lie in April with a large dose of Joy of Painting with Bob Ross.