Adventurer's Quarter Grand Opening

About a month ago Arvada, CO got a new store in it's Olde Town district. This store, called Adventurer's Quarter, is the first store of it's type in the area. It is a full service board game, table top, RPG, and card game store. The store is located off of Ralston Rd and Olde Wadsworth Blvd. They have a ton of different games with plenty of room for events in the main space of the store. During the Grand Opening they had 7 tables set up; 6 with different games and the 7th had 2 strategy games on it. All were welcome to play and learn games at their leisure, and will continue to be welcomed. This is easily accomplished with a number of store demo copies they keep on hand for visitors. The store also offers a discount on special orders they can get that do not have in store. If I remember right the amount was between 5% and 10%. This can give them an edge over the online market place. Want to know more about the people that started the store? Watch the video.