Denver Zoo Embraces Pokémon Go!

Denver Zoo Map (I think)

Attention all Pokémon Trainers. This weekend the Denver Zoo is providing a $5.00 discount to all that are playing the popular mobile game. In addition to the discount, between 1:00 PM and 5:00 PM the zoo will be dropping lures at it many pokestops. So come on down and see animals both real and virtual! Just please remember to stay out of the cages. 

And just in case you want it, here is the Facebook page detailing the event.

Overwatch - New Hero

Overwatch - New Hero

Overwatch came out just under 2 months ago, and it has admittedly been the game I have spent the most time on this summer. As such you can imagine how excited I am to see the newest hero get announced. Coming soon to Overwatch, Ana! Ana is a sniper that can both head shot the red team and heal their team mates from their sniper nest. 

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Pokémon GO - One Week Later

Pokémon GO - One Week Later

I think it is safe to say Nintendo's first foray into the augmented reality scene is a success. Pokémon GO game out one week ago in the United States and it has been an instant hit flooding all social media with what has been caught, where what has been found, and more. So why is this game so addicting? The answer is the same it has always been, Gotta Catch Them All!

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The Professional Gamer - July 12, 2016

Hi readers!  I hope all of our American followers had a great Independence Day!  I sure did, even got a personal record for the 4 km race that I've been doing for several years.

Later in the week, I finished watching the first season of Gravity Falls.  I won't really post any spoilers, since I'm sure there are lots of people watching for the first time.  If you are watching for the first time, remember: trust no one!  The first season has been so much fun, and I've already started into the second season.  I've got a feeling I'll be finishing the series really soon.

I've made a lot of progress through The Lord of the Rings this week as well.  Gandalf has fallen in Khazad-dum and the Fellowship has journeyed into Lothlorien.  I think I've got less than a week to move on to the next volume.

In other news, I am a bike owner again.  Its been a long time since I had a bicycle and I'm excited to start using it for transport on the weekends.  Now, I need to get some accessories so that I can be safe and carry groceries and such as well.

Lastly, Pokemon Go has been released in Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and the U.S. so far.  I feel like I've had not a lot of time to play, but have still managed to rack up 6 km of walking and have reached level 6.  It's been fun to explore the real world, sometimes with friends, in search of magical creatures.  The server issues have been frustrating, but I'm sure that will all get solved soon.  In summary, its a lot more fun than Ingress, the previous game released by Niantec; and I recommend that you try it out if you think you would like an excuse to explore your neighborhood on foot and get to know some of the people who live near you.

That's all I have for this week.  I'll update you all later on how the Pokemon hunting goes.  Have a great week, and game on!

The Professional Gamer - July 4, 2016

Hello readers!  I hope you have all had another good week.  I've continued reading Lord of the Rings, but have also discovered that a great show that I've been hoping to watch is finally available on Hulu,  Therefore, I spent most of my evenings watching Gravity Falls.  

For those not familiar with the show, Gravity Falls tells the story of twins Mable and Dipper spending a summer with their Great Uncle Stan in a small town in the deep woods of Oregon.  Dipper finds a large book with a number "3" on the cover, and then begins to have encounters with all sorts of strange creatures and other phenomena.  The show manages a great blend of Americana and spooky campfire stories.  The animation is fluid and the characters are fun to watch in motion.  Not to mention the jokes are really funny.  I've watched a bit more than half of the first season so far.  Somehow, I managed to avoid most of the spoilers that were roaming wild on the internet; quite a feat considering that a large portion of my online friends were regularly watching Gravity Falls.  In summary, if you have Hulu, you should give Gravity Falls a shot.  

That's all I've got for this week.  Happy Independence Day to all of our American readers!  Have a great week and game on!

The Professional Gamer - June 27, 2016

Hello readers!  I hope you all have enjoyed our coverage of Denver Comic Con this year.  We all had a great time.  Everything was comics and nothing hurt.  I've started reading and reviewing the comics that I bought, so keep your eyes on this space for more articles.

On top of that, I'm getting into my semi-regular reading of Lord of the Rings.  I don't really have a lot to say about it.  For whatever reason, I derive so much comfort from reading Tolkien's masterwork.  No matter what is going on in my life, it is a grounding to my youth.  

That's all that I really have for this week.  I'm taking a bit of an easier time this week, and recovering from Comic Con.  But, I'm planning to be back next week with some more discussions.  Have a great week and game on!

Flash Review - Rock Mary Rock

A short review for you all today.  Rock Mary Rock is a four part mini-series comic by Nicky Soh.  Soh had the first issue available for sale at Denver Comic Con, and will be selling the comic on his Etsy shop.  The comic centers on Mary, a young girl who find a magnificent vintage guitar in the basement of an old theater.  The catch?  The guitar is haunted by the ghost of 70's era rock star who died before he hit his prime.

Issue 1 introduces the main characters well.  Soh is very good with acting and expressing his character's emotions.  The character designs are very easy to read and I look forward to seeing how Soh makes them perform in the future issues.  The main characters including Mary, her grandmother, and Rock (the Ghost), all seem well thought out and fun.  The colors by Jeremy Lawson add to Soh's line work to form a cohesive style and feel.

Overall, I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of this series and more of Soh's work in the future.

The Professional Gamer - June 20, 2016

Hello readers!  I was having a bit of a busy week at work, which meant that I spent most of the after hours time with a somewhat guilty pleasure: Chopped.  Of the various cooking contest shows, its one of my favorites.  But, you didn't come here to read about cooking shows, so lets talk about some more geeky stuff.

E3 has come and gone, with a lot of discussion about the new Legend of Zelda title: Breath of the Wild.  The trailer is gorgeous and the play-through videos make it look like a whole lot of fun.  I'm setting aside some money to buy an NX and Breath of the Wild next year.  I'm really excited for a more open world Zelda game where there are more options about how to proceed through the game.  What are your thoughts on this new direction?

Speaking of The Legend of Zelda, I decided to spend about an hour today to finally finish Wind Waker.  For whatever reason, I never managed to finish it during its prime on the GameCube.  Thanks to the HD re-release, I have finally been able to finish it.  The final fight with Ganondorf is interesting and spoilers: unbelievably brutal.  I'm thinking about turning around and heading out again so that I can adventure in the blue tunic rather than the hero's outfit.  I really loved that crab shirt.

Also, I spent this weekend and Denver Comic Con, buying all of the indie comics.  Seriously, I bought a lot of comics.  I'm going to leave it at that, get some dinner, and enjoy some comics.  I hope you all have a great week, and game on!