E3 - Press Conference Viewings

E3 is a little under 2 weeks away at this point, and with it comes a number of press conferences from the leaders in the video game industry. Too bad many of us (yours truly included) don't get to actually attend these conferences.  So how will we watch them instead? Well many companies will either live stream the conference themselves or have partnered with a cable channel to do it (such as G4 or Spike TV).  As I find / get links for the streams I will place them in this post, which will be moved to the top of the site each time I update it.

Xbox - June 4 @ 9:00 AM PT

Ubisoft - June 4 @ 3:00 PM PT

Playstation - June 4 @ 5:30 PM PT Preview, 6:00 PM PT Press Conference

EA - June 4 @ 1:00 PM PT

Nintendo - June 5 @ 9:00 AM PT
Edit - The Gameslave crew gets to attend and cover the Nintendo Press Conference.