The Professional Gamer - October 26, 2018

Alright, I past one more week of my travel for the year. It didn’t go quite as well as I had hoped due to some mechanical difficulties, but I was able to get a lot of my work done, and got an introduction to field work with my new company (two years after being hired). But, a big part of this assignment was driving from the western part of North Dakota to the eastern part, about 5 hours straight through. So, that didn’t include a lot of time to goof off. But, I did have some time to play with my gameboy at least. And that is pretty much it. I’m making some more progress in Final Fantasy Tactics A2, and have completed a few more of the plot quests even.

I’m back home this next week though, and may actually have time to enjoy myself again. Have a great week and game on!

The Professional Gamer - October 19, 2018

I spent a short portion of the week away, but had some good fun. This week only had short flights, but also had relatively shorter days in the field and some time to play some video games in the evening. I’m a bit distracted from watching anime currently, mostly because I decided to give another show a chance. So, let’s talk about that a bit.

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The Professional Gamer - October 5, 2018

Hello, and welcome to another week of The Professional Gamer. This week, I took a trip to California and spent about 8 hours driving through the National Forest in one day. On a related note, I listened to every podcast that I had saved on my player. Meaning, that I’m much closer to catching up to all of podcast backlog. So, that' makes me feel pretty good. My other fun time has been very limited, due to spending all that time driving.

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The Professional Gamer - September 28, 2018

Hello, friends. This has certainly been a “special hell” type of week here. I’ve tended to keep politics out of this feed, because I want it to be more of a safe place. Or, at least a place that is less affected by the day to day events of the world outside, and we can just talk about things that bring us joy. Events this week have really intruded on that for me. I’m not going to write a thousand words about it here: people with traumatic experiences, and who are much sharper in their analysis and prose, have already (or will soon) talk or publish about it. All that I will do here is encourage you to register to vote now and turn out in November to vote.

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The Professional Gamer - September 7, 2018

Hi everyone! I've had several busy weeks in a row. August 25 and 26 was Fort Collins Comic Con, August 31 through September 2 was Nan Desu Kan, and then I was at Yosemite National Park for work from September 4 through 6. So, I haven't really had time to write for several weeks. Let's catch up on what I've been up to.

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The Professional Gamer - August 17, 2018

I've come to the end of another week, but feel like I haven't done very much for fun or for myself. I had some drama at work, not really related to me, just some stuff that's happened to other people around me. It affects me somewhat, in terms of my workload. The bigger issue is just feeling really bad about what happened, and I'm just emotionally drained. On top of working on some political stuff, I didn't have a lot of energy left for geeky activities. Let's talk about what I did do this week.

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